There were 19 fish weighed at the Big Lake open for a total weight of 72.48 pounds. We had 13 anglers with an average bag weight of 5.58 pounds per angler and an average fish weight of 3.81 pounds.  Congrats to Robert and Ron with their monster bags.

First Place

Name Count Weight
Robert Mann 3 14.58 lbs.

Second Place

Name Count Weight
Ben Foster 3 13.94 lbs.

Third Place

Name Count Weight
Ron Gayton 3 13.30 lbs

Big Fish

Name Weight
Matt Johnson 6.66 lbs. lbs.

Remaining Field

Place Name Count Weight
4 Matt Johnson 3 11.80 lbs. (14.80 lbs.- 3.00 lb penalty)
5 Trevor Radach 1 4.48 lbs.
6 Dan Haddrell 3 4.30 lbs.
7 Brian Calvert 1 4.20 lbs.
8 Brian Steyerman 1 1.58 lbs.
9 Jim Stewart 1 1.50 lbs.
10 Justin Johnson 0 0.00
11 Mike Schneider 0 0.00
12 Kevin Snider 0 0.00
13 Mike Patrone 0 0.00

* Penalty accessed.